
I’m a PhD student at UT Austin supervised by Prof. Georgios Pavlakos and Prof. Philipp Krähenbühl, working on 4D human reconstruction and motion priors. Before that, I was a visiting student at the Stanford Vision Lab under the supervision of Prof. Jiajun Wu, where I worked closely with Shangzhe Wu on 3D reconstruction and motion generation for animal videos in the wild. I obtained my MSc and BSc from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, working under Prof. Oren Freifeld on unsupervised animal tracking and moving-camera models.
I'm interested in 4D reconstruction and generation, where temporal information and the 3D world meet.

I'm always eager to talk about exciting research directions. Feel free to send me an email!



  • Principles of Programming Languages (Head of TA) - S1 2023
  • Introduction to Numerical Analysis - S1 2022
  • Computer Vision: Models, Learning and Inference - S2 2021
  • Principles of Programming Languages - S2 2020

Contact Me

Office: Gates Dell Complex, 4th floor, UT Austin, TX
Email: dorlit@utexas.edu